The Crystal Textbook, Illustrated Second Edition
The Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment
The Story of Light, Through Heaven’s Gate
God said: “Let there be light!”
Fine! And we have been coming out of the darkness ever since…
Challenge: As the long-time practicing spiritual devotee that you are, how clear is your understanding of what divine light is exactly—how it works, how it affects you, and how you can use it? To what extent can you describe divine light to your fellow devotees?
In a nutshell, The Story of Light, volumes 1 and 2, along with The Crystal Textbook constitute a comprehensive and in-depth treatise that explains the complexities of the vast Body of Knowledge about how divine light and crystals work on Earth and in the heavens. It brings the nebulous and sometimes evasive concepts and principles that govern divine light out of the darkness and down to the level of the intellect in plain language. It makes understanding divine light and crystals accessible to anyone with an open mind—beginner through advanced. This offering is not pabulum or fluff, however. Parts of the story and some crystals are simple; and other parts and crystals are complex.
The two books of The Story of Light and The Crystal Textbook come as channelled wisdom from the many higher dimensions of the divine universe through the author’s higher-self and spirit guides, the Councilate of the Ascended Light. Each contributing spirit guide came with a specific piece of the much larger picture. There are many pieces in this puzzle. The Story of Light and The Crystal Textbook are a unique and valuable resource for the devotee who seeks to understand crystals, divine light, and the spiritual journey.
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The Crystal Textbook, Illustrated Second EditionThe Crystal Textbook, Illustrated Second Edition explains how crystals work with the divine light that affects everyone and everything. It is a different approach to crystals because it discusses crystals from the perspective of how they manipulate light frequencies, and how those frequencies act upon form especially the subtle and physical bodies.
It does not assert a broad swath of simplistic cause-and-effect outcomes. Outcomes of a crystal’s light acting-on-form differ according to ever changing and unique vibrations. Rather, the crystals have given the author the wisdom that they wish to impart about themselves. This wisdom comes through channels dictated from the crystal’s higher-self through the author’s spirit guides and goes deep into the way divine light and crystals interact both on the physical plane and in the heavens to help the person using them move forward spiritually. Every section on crystals explains how the crystal works with light, how to use it, and what to expect from using it.
Some crystals are simple, and some are quite complex. At times, the explanations are technical because there are many variables to consider. The Crystal Textbook is based upon the vast and in-depth Body of Knowledge about how divine light works with crystals on Earth and in the heavens. It follows from the author’s first two books: The Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment, and The Story of Light, Through Heaven’s Gate, which work through the depths of complexity to explain divine light.
The job of this author is to explain higher dimensional concepts about light and crystals in plain and common language. You will be gently led into the depths of how your spiritual path works and how crystals can help.
An important principle throughout is that crystals are specialized. To reasonably understand light and crystals, Part 1 of the book gives roughly 50 pages of in-depth background including the basic characteristics of divine light, problems with light adjustment to the physical plane, light splitting and fragmentation, the history of chakra development including the first chakra and the 11-chakra system, the over-generalizations about healing and negativity, plus much more. Part 2 discusses 99 of the most common crystals. Subjects included in Part 2 according to the individual crystal include the soul’s involvement, assessment, and healing of vibration, light piggybacking and mixing, the language-of-light translation, light displacement, variations of healing, the significance of polarity, consciousness light frequency amplification, and a lot more.
Crystals are rocks and very stable. They relentlessly and consistently bring light to the Earth, to our physical and subtle bodies, and into our lives. Because they bring divine light, they contribute substantially to the spiritual devotee’s personal journey to enlightenment. The Crystal Textbook, Illustrated Second Edition helps you understand how crystals do it.
The author’s favourite sections in The Crystal Textbook, Illustrated Second Edition include the crystals: Moldavite, Labradorite, Citrine, Herkimer Diamond, Hawk's Eye, Fluorite, and a lot more!!
The Crystal Textbook: Table of Contents: HERE.
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The Story of Light, Path to EnlightenmentChapter One, The Beginning of Light on Earth, lays out the first of the many foundation principles that govern divine light. It illuminates our mission and purpose, the literal structure of God’s Oneness, the problems of physical density, and the reasons we are not enlightened beings as we arrive on Earth. Chapter Two, The Etheric Body, could not wait; it had to be placed as near to the beginning as possible. The etheric body’s role in working with light is integral to almost every discussion that follows. Our personal identity, protection, vibrational stability, and everyday interaction with the world around us depend on the etheric body’s ability to manipulate light frequencies. Learn how etheric blueprinting encodes your karma, solidifies parental bonding at birth, and sets your natal astrological chart. Chapter Three, Starting from Scratch, explains what you need to know to get on—and stay on—the spiritual path. It helps you understand the creation of the very first chakra and the innovations that will help you open your kundalini. Chapter Four, Empowering the Incarnation, explains how you can use each of the seven major chakras to advance your enlightenment on Earth. It explains how the chakras work with light and their specific ranges of light frequencies and explains their contribution to the enlightenment process. The final chapter, Enlightenment, explains enlightenment. Actual definitions for the higher-self, the Light Body, and the soul, set the foundation to explain how you can achieve enlightenment. Enlightenment is a straightforward process that anyone having dedication, discipline, and love can complete. The Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment takes the wisdom of the language-of-light from the dimensions of the beyond and the beyond-the-beyond and translates it into everyday English.
The author’s favourite sections in volume one involve how the base chakra works to ensure that love is the gate-keeper for entry onto the spiritual path and how it shuffles the devotee into the best places for spiritual growth.
The Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment, Table of Contents: HERE.
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The Story of Light, Through Heaven's GateVolume Two builds on the principles and concepts set out in volume one, The Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment. There is very little repetition. The treatise on divine light enters a whole new dimension literally and figuratively. There are 20 chapters that seal the reality that this work is a vast, in-depth, and comprehensive Body of Knowledge about how divine light works on Earth and in the heavens.
Topics include: the role of angelic cadres in the evolution of Earth; the nature of the void and negativity; the lost souls of Lucifer's legions; the structure of light frequencies emanating from the Godhead; how divine light is made useful on Earth; innovative manipulations of light; the nature, use, and advantage of Oneness; the influences of topography, atmospheric gases, shadows, moisture, and polarity on light; the conversion of light into energy; light and the nature of disease; light in our solar system; the Sun and stars and inter-planetary light exchange; the flow of light into and through our solar system from higher dimensions and from planet-to-planet with discussion about the inner and outer planets; the specific contribution of each planet to the light of our solar system; the contribution of the Kuiper belt and plutoids to the flow of light into and beyond our solar system; the creation, empowerment, and value of light stations (geographical power places) in the bringing of light and life to Earth; the in-depth explanation of the soul's evolutionary development and involvement with the enlightenment of Earth; how light works with the consciousness, conscious body, mind, and will; the construct, design, flaws, and operation of the emotional body; the techniques, objectives, and limitations of contemplation and meditation; the manipulation of light through metaphysical tools and techniques including group consciousness; the nature of the divine plan including access to the akashic records, the awakening of memory cells, the influence of will, and the schedule of planetary changes; the realization of the image of God and the pulses of energy from the Godhead; the requirements, preparation, and procedure for the ascension of the planet, the species on the planet, and humanity from the physical plane.
The author’s favourite sections in volume two include Chapter 11.1.03, Venus, and Chapter 15, The Emotional Body. Mars (section 11.1.05) was the first planet to accommodate consciousness on the physical level. See how Venus intends to bring its form of consciousness into a physical context. (Hint: with a surface temperature of 900°F or 480°C, there are no water-based bodies.)
The emotional body is a specific and definable construct and is also the newest of our subtle bodies. It comes with a few bugs and a few serious problems. How do the emotions work? Chapter 14, Consciousness, is another very useful favourite that you might want to understand.
The Story of Light, Through Heaven's Gate, Table of Contents: HERE.